How To Write a Novel During Coronavirus


Are you a budding writer wanting to take advantage of the stay-at-home season? Do you really want to write your novel because you have so much free time?

Like many others, I’m also using the coronavirus pandemic to complete the first draft of my novel. What we can’t underestimate right now are the changes we’re going through collectively around the globe. Although you have more time, coronavirus is affecting our creativity and mental health in more than one way.

Coronavirus has disrupted our lives

Right now we‘re all experiencing disruptions to our normal routine. It‘s as though life has lifted us up from our roots and transplanted us somewhere foreign.

We can use this foreign territory to our advantage as writers by making the most of our time to read, research and write that manuscript. The word ‘crisis’ comes from ancient Greek which means to decide or make a decision. We can use this pandemic to make a decision about how we spend our time.

Yet coronavirus has had a real impact on our society. We can’t overlook this and so I want to remind you of a few things going forward.

Covid will make you write, but take care of your mental health

I believe creativity works on an input-output basis. We need to input experiences and information (like going for walks in nature, time with loved ones and adventures) in order to reap a really good creative flow.

In lockdown or quarantine during Covid-19, we have an excess of output activities (like actually writing the book) and less of the input activities (all the coffee shops are closed). So many creatives are feeling burnt out and re-evaluating how they work.

Please don’t burn yourself out. Novels take time and dedication. Instead, work consistently doing what you can each day and take breaks to do things to take care of your mental health. Baking, showering, doing craft like knitting or talking to friends on the phone is as important as the time you spend penning your work.

Make it cozy in quarantine

When sitting down to write your novel, make sure you’re warm and cozy. Make a cup of tea, wear a comfy sweater, burn some incense, tidy up your place and generally show your space some loving kindness.

Creativity flows more easily when you feel relaxed and calm. Doing this will also ensure that your mental health during the pandemic is kept in tact.

It won‘t last forever

As humans, we have a tendency to think our current situation will stay the same forever (or even get worse). This is just the way our minds are wired but once you realise that, you can actively choose to believe something different.

Remind yourself that life is ever changing, nothing stays the same forever, not even the “bad” times. This will soon pass and all you can do right now is take it day to day. Stay grounded in this truth and remember there‘s no need to catastrophize the situation.

How are you working towards your creative projects during these times?

Writing your novel bit-by-bit day by day is such a nice luxury with all the free time we now have. It’s really amazing how much we can get done this year if we use our time wisely!

Always remember though it’s not about “finishing” it’s about the journey of writing itself. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself, have fun, and remember to do things for yourself to keep healthy.